Friday, January 4, 2008


This is a sweet little love poem I wrote to my husband when we were dating. The words came from my heart as I wrote them, knowing as each word was written, that I really meant them. I waited “FOREVER” to find him… my heart; my soul mate, my true love, and I knew I wanted to be with him “FOREVER”.

by Patty Hinson

F ate brought...
O ur two hearts together...
R ealizing we're meant to be...

E verlasting love...
V owed to be true..
E ternally...
R eal Love is FOREVER...

What does forever mean?

The Webster’s dictionary defines forever as: for a limitless time; at all times: CONTINUALLY. And that’s the way true love should be: unconditional, at all times, continually during the bad times and the good times.

What is the true definition of LOVE? Has it really been defined yet?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Love is Lifes true Joy and never ending Journey. The essence of all that is good that makes us complete. Love you Mom